Posts Tagged 'MG63'

Evaluation of gene expression in MG63 human osteoblastlike cells exposed to tantalum powder by microarray technology

lnk_publimedSollazzo V, Pezzetti F, Massari L, Palmieri A, Brunelli G, Zollino I, Lucchese A, Caruso G, Carinci F.
Evaluation of gene expression in MG63 human osteoblastlike cells exposed to tantalum powder by microarray technology.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2011 Jul-Aug;31(4):e17-28.

Analysis of MG63 osteoblastic-cell response to a new nanoporous implant surface by means of a microarray technology

lnk_publimedCarinci F, Pezzetti F, Volinia S, Francioso F, Arcelli D, Marchesini J, Caramelli E, Piattelli A.
Analysis of MG63 osteoblastic-cell response to a new nanoporous implant surface by means of a microarray technology.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2004 Apr;15(2):180-6.

Zirconium oxide: analysis of MG63 osteoblast-like cell response by means of a microarray technology

lnk_publimedCarinci F, Pezzetti F, Volinia S, Francioso F, Arcelli D, Farina E, Piattelli A.
Zirconium oxide: analysis of MG63 osteoblast-like cell response by means of a microarray technology.
Biomaterials. 2004 Jan;25(2):215-28.

P-15 cell-binding domain derived from collagen: analysis of MG63 osteoblastic-cell response by means of a microarray technology

lnk_publimedCarinci F, Pezzetti F, Volinia S, Laino G, Arcelli D, Caramelli E, Degidi M, Piattelli A.
P-15 cell-binding domain derived from collagen: analysis of MG63 osteoblastic-cell response by means of a microarray technology.
J Periodontol. 2004 Jan;75(1):66-83.

Analysis of osteoblast-like MG63 cells’ response to a rough implant surface by means of DNA microarray

lnk_publimedCarinci F, Pezzetti F, Volinia S, Francioso F, Arcelli D, Marchesini J, Scapoli L, Piattelli A.
Analysis of osteoblast-like MG63 cells’ response to a rough implant surface by means of DNA microarray.
J Oral Implantol. 2003;29(5):215-20.